Though obscure in the eyes of the Microsoft behemoth, as a company that develops software using their technologies, Ablesoft is best served by paying attention to what technological vision they are touting. Like Ralphie and his use of the Ovaltine decoder in the Christmas Story, the Ablesoft team needs to decipher the cryptic technological messages sent out by Microsoft to decide what direction we are headed in developing programs for our customers.
Sometimes the message at the end can be underwhelming…
My apologies for the Christmas-themed reference, but the metaphor could not leave me.
Once armed with the 'decoded' message, it is necessary to simplify and depict it from our perspective. Why? For one, it brings more clarity to our own business for programmers and non-programmers alike to align towards. The second, it gives customers a better idea of what goes into making the products we deliver. Although they may not understand how to make the dish, they at least will have a better understanding of the ingredients to better appreciate it.
Below is our first crack at laying out our decoded results and adopting them into our development process. Here are some of the high-level ideas behind it:
This portion represents the magic which happens between Ablesoft and our customers. It is here where we work together to define the unique business requirements that dictate what the application is supposed to do. Also, it is where the interface of the application is developed whether web based, desktop, or cross platform for the customer.
ASI Core
The core exists to get programming projects up and running quickly. So Instead of each project starting from scratch, it is here where pre-built components by Ablesoft are incorporated into a variety of projects to avoid 'recreating the wheel' for each application.
Microsoft Technologies
The .Net framework was created in the early 2000's under the same principle that drives Ablesoft to develop the 'ASI Core' - to speed up the process and quality of programming by re-purposing pre-built code created. But, as technologies evolved and the requirements of applications changed over the years, Microsoft created multiple programming languages and frameworks to support web-based, desktop, and mobile applications. Now, their vision is to begin consolidating the once disparate development technologies down into a shared framework that can be used across devices. This is called .Net 5 and symbolized in the chart below:
Although this write up may generate eye rolls from programmers for its simplicity, or readers irritated by the untimely Christmas Story reference, it is a necessary risk to take. So, when it comes to the future of your company's applications written with Microsoft technologies, consider us as your own personal decoder. Hopefully, our decoded message from Microsoft is more helpful than Ralphie’s.